Because innovation
always has its place.

From our inception, we’ve pioneered cutting-edge expertise in the treatment of sexual abuse, continuously innovating and honing our best practices.

This unrivalled expertise encompasses care and support for victims and their families. We remain at the forefront of developments in the treatment of sexual abuse. One of our core values is implementing best practices to ensure our clients benefit from the latest innovations and knowledge.

EMDR: a recognized new therapeutic approach

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a therapeutic approach that addresses painful memories through bilateral stimulation (such as eye movement, auditory signals, tapping, or vibration) of the brain’s hemispheres.


It aims to help the person free themselves from the emotional imprint of an unpleasant or traumatic memory. Unlike a traditional therapeutic approach based on verbal communication, certain events are not explored in as much detail, and the process requires far fewer questions. This can be particularly helpful with children.


EMDR is recognized by the Ordre des psychologues du Québec and recommended by the World Health Organisation (WHO) for working with traumatic situations, including sexual abuse.

We’re the only organization in Quebec dedicated to treating victims of sexual abuse to offer EMDR psychotherapy.

Service integration

CIViS’ innovative integrated services model helps to streamline the psycho-socio-judicial and therapeutic journey for victims of sexual abuse. People receive all the help they need under one roof. This integrated and concerted service offering minimizes the barriers to recovery, simplifies the legal process, and facilitates coordination between the resources involved.

This innovative model, which focuses exclusively on supporting victims of sexual abuse, has led to the development of new practices that are being documented and studied so that they can be replicated throughout the province.

What are the benefits of service integration?

Streamline the procedures and shorten the delays, preventing victim discouragement, exhaustion, distress, and confusion.

Optimize human and financial resources by avoiding duplication, encouraging collaboration, and reducing coordination costs.
Facilitating collaboration and limiting re-traumatization—victims are no longer required to repeat their story to each new support worker. The partners ensure continuity of services by making the connections necessary to the victim’s progress.
Interconnecting and enriching the expertise of professionals and experts in different fields creates cutting-edge practice shared by all. Integrating services creates and develops knowledge and best practices in the field of sexual abuse and support for victims.

ÉVIB: a new hyperspecialized assessment tool

We meet with each person receiving our services to complete an Impact and Needs Assessment (ÉVIB, évaluation des impacts et des besoins).

During an interview, two specialist counsellors paint a comprehensive picture of the victim’s current situation, the abuse’s repercussions in the various areas of their life, and the resulting needs.

This summary allows one to create a tailored path, identify any risks, and prioritize the team’s services so that the person can concentrate on what matters most: their recovery.

ÉVIB — a new assessment tool designed and tested by our network of psychotherapists, counsellors, lawyers, and police officers — is set for evaluation and validation by researchers to enhance its accessibility.

Research projects on sexual abuse

Our diverse clientele enriches a range of research projects on sexual abuse, as we collaborate with academic institutions to support scientific literature. Maintaining the highest service quality standards is at the heart of our concerns, as is their continuous improvement.

Projets de recherche en violence sexuelle

Collectif national sur la victimisation au masculin (CNVAM)

Natacha Godbout — Département de sexologie de l’Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM).

Nous participons depuis janvier 2023 à ce projet visant à documenter les enjeux et les pratiques actuelles pour les hommes victimes de violence sexuelle, ainsi qu’à implanter un protocole systématique d’évaluation lorsque les hommes consultent des services d’aide.

Évaluation de la pertinence de l’intégration des services

Isabelle V. Daignault — École de criminologie, Université de Montréal.

Ce projet de recherche vise à évaluer la pertinence et l’impact de l’intégration des services en matière de violence sexuelle auprès de la clientèle. Les connaissances de la chercheuse en matière d’intégration des services permettront de documenter le parcours personnalisé des personnes victimes bénéficiant de l’accompagnement intégré du CIViS ainsi que l’évolution de leur santé mentale.