Our team

Administrative team

Christine Vilcocq, 
MSc, Gérontologue Directrice générale & Responsable de la protection des renseignements personnels
Christine Vilcocq, MSc, Gerontologist

General Manager & Privacy Officer

Latifa Boujallabia, M.A. Conseillère stratégique Principale
Latifa Boujallabia, M.A.

Senior Strategic Advisor

Jeanne This, M.A. Coordonnatrice des opérations 
du CIViS
Jeanne This, M.A.
CIViS Operations Coordinator
Fanny Dallaire Adjointe à la Direction générale
Fanny Dallaire
Executive Assistant
Maxime Prieur Directeur de la philanthropie
Maxime Prieur
Director of Philanthropy
Audrée-Jade Carignan Coordonnatrice des interventions – CAVAC
Audrée-Jade Carignan
Intervention Coordinator

Clinical team

Hélène Latrille, 
Dipl. Psy, MSc Crim. Directrice des Services cliniques – Psychothérapeute – Psychologue
Hélène Latrille, 
Dipl. Psy, MSc Crim.
Director of Clinical Services – Psychotherapist – Psychologist
Marie-Christine Beaulieu, Ph.D. Psychothérapeute – Psychologue
Marie-Christine Beaulieu, Ph.D.
Ani Boneva, D.Ps. Psychothérapeute – Psychologue
Ani Boneva, D.Ps.
Marie-Ève Brabant, Ph.D. Psychothérapeute – Psychologue
Marie-Ève Brabant, Ph.D.
Flaurence Jodoin Intervenante psychosociale
Flaurence Jodoin

Psychosocial Counsellor

Koumi Doucette-Jean Psychothérapeute – Travailleuse sociale
Koumi Doucette-Jean
Psychotherapist—Social Worker
Sarah-Anne Garceau Aparicio, M.A. Psychothérapeute – Sexologue clinicienne
Sarah-Anne Garceau Aparicio, M.A.
Psychotherapist—Clinical Sexologist
Edith Fanny Morin, M.A. Psychothérapeute – Sexologue clinicienne
Edith Fanny Morin, M.A.
Psychotherapist—Clinical Sexologist
Annie Valois Intervenante psychosociale
Annie Valois
Psychosocial Counsellor
Élodie Guillaumont Intervenante psychosociale

Élodie Guillaumont

Psychosocial Counsellor

Lise Desjardins, M.A. Psychothérapeute – Sexologue clinicienne

Lise Desjardins, M.A.

Psychotherapist – Clinical sexologist

Would you like to get involved in supporting victims of sexual violence by joining the La Traversée team?

Board of Directors

A key decision-making body, the Board of Directors provides the diverse expertise and strategic vision that guide the organization’s direction.
Pierre Morin, President
Senior Manager, Capital Markets, Desjardins Securities Inc.
Hélène Bisson, Vice-President
Director of Communications, Barreau of Quebec

Isabelle Mathieu, Treasurer

Senior Director, Strategic Development, Renaud-Bray – President, Pierre Belvédère

Julie Grenier, Secretary

Human Resources Manager, HydroSolution
Annie Fournier, Director

General Manager, Boscoville

Eve Verschelden, Director
Acting Director, Genetic Operations, Biron Groupe Santé
Christian Denis, Director

President, Agro-Bio Contrôle Inc.

Michèle Laframboise, Director
Partner, Normandin Beaudry Assets Management
Sophie Arpin, Director
Litigation Partner, McCarthy Tétrault LLP

Apply to the Board of Directors!

Christine Vilcocq, MSc, Gerontologist

General Manager & Privacy Officer

Christine holds a Master’s degree in Communications and is a gerontologist specializing in the care of vulnerable elders. At La Traversée, Christine applies the three fundamental professional credos that guide her day-to-day work.

Innovation: Christine is driven by the need to generate and develop innovative projects, concepts, and ideas. Her visionary leadership and open-mindedness create an environment conducive to the emergence of bold, innovative solutions.

Team: Christine understands that the success of every project depends on its team, and she places the utmost importance on fostering a strong team culture rooted in trust, respect, and collaboration.

Research: Christine is convinced that continuous validation and improvement through research and training are crucial for ensuring a project’s excellence and sustainability. By relying on evidence-based data and solid expertise, La Traversée assures its clients of the highest service quality standards and continuous improvement.
“Impose your luck, embrace your happiness and go toward your risks: by looking at you, they’ll get used to it.” René Char

Latifa Boujallabia, M.A.

Senior Strategic Advisor

Latifa is a sexologist and psychotherapist with over 20 years of experience working with and advocating for victims of sexual abuse. Her diverse professional experience has provided her with cutting-edge expertise. Consequently, she offers multiple tailored training courses annually to professionals from diverse fields.

Recognizing her skills and expertise in sexual abuse, La Traversée has appointed Latifa as a strategic advisor to the general management.
“We appreciate the beauty of the butterfly but rarely acknowledge the changes it has undergone to achieve that beauty.” Maya Angelou

Jeanne This, M.A.

CIViS Operations Coordinator

Jeanne completed a bachelor’s degree and a research-intervention master’s in sexology at the Université du Québec à Montréal.

La Traversée, a founding member of the Centre de services intégrés en violence sexuelle (CIViS), coordinates and hosts this initiative from its facilities in Saint-Lambert, Montérégie. In this service integration project, Jeanne oversees the planning, coordination, and deployment of CIViS. She also documents process and tool development to promote best practices in supporting victims of sexual abuse.

“To exist is to dare to throw oneself into the world.” – Simone de Beauvoir

Fanny Dallaire

Executive Assistant

Fanny brings extensive experience as an executive assistant, having spent a significant portion of her career in educational settings. She exhibits professional agility and responsiveness daily, ensuring effective coordination.

Her unwavering commitment and enthusiasm shine through as she meets challenges and supports general management in achieving its objectives. A proactive team member, Fanny consistently leverages her skills and experience to further the organization’s success.
“They didn’t know it was impossible, so they did it.” – Mark Twain

Maxime Prieur

Director of Philanthropy

With a bachelor’s degree in political science and a certificate in philanthropic management from the Université de Montréal, Maxime joined La Traversée in December 2023 to support the development of the organization’s charitable activities.

With a decade of experience in philanthropy, particularly in the health and education sectors, Maxime brings cutting-edge expertise at a crucial time for La Traversée, empowering it to fulfill its mission and advance its future projects.
“The future cannot be predicted; it must be prepared for.” Maurice Blondel

Audrée-Jade Carignan

Intervention Coordinator

Audrée-Jade completed a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in research-intervention in sexology at the Université du Québec à Montréal. CAVAC is one of the founding organizations of the Centre de services intégrés en violence sexuelle (CIViS). As part of this service integration project, Audrée-Jade is responsible for coordinating interventions to facilitate access to services and a simplified, harmonious trajectory for victims of sexual violence. She assesses the impact and needs of users, develops a personalized service pathway and coordinates it throughout the client’s journey within the services.
“Resilience is the art of navigating torrents.” – Boris Cyrulnik

Hélène Latrille, Dipl. Psy, MSc Crim.

Director of Clinical Services - Psychotherapist - Psychologist

Hélène graduated from the École de Psychologues Praticiens in Paris in 2014 with a degree in clinical psychology after five years of study. With a focus on justice, she completed her master’s degree in criminology at the Université de Montréal and joined the Ordre des psychologues du Québec in 2018.

Hélène joined La Traversée in 2021 and offers psychotherapy services to adult victims of sexual abuse. She favours an integrative approach, prioritizing the adaptation to her clients’ needs and realities. Genuinely engaging and dynamic, Hélène assists her clients in mobilizing their inner resources to overcome challenges and discover unique solutions. She is actively involved in her work, prioritizing building trust and maintaining the therapeutic collaboration.

Since February 2023, Hélène has been Director of Clinical Services at La Traversée.
“The greatest glory is not never falling, but rising every time you fall.” Nelson Mandela

Marie-Christine Beaulieu, Ph.D.


Marie-Christine completed a PhD in clinical psychology research and intervention at the Université de Montréal and began her practice at La Traversée in 2015. Her doctoral thesis, specializing in children and teenagers, examined the relationship between the behavioural characteristics of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and various parental factors. The quality of this thesis was recognized by the Université de Montréal’s psychology department, which selected it for the 2015 Canadian Association for Graduate Studies’ Distinguished Dissertation Award.

Clinically, Marie-Christine has trained in a psychodynamic approach within child psychiatry and pediatric clinics at university hospitals. As part of her practice at La Traversée, she completed advanced training in cognitive-behavioural therapy focusing on trauma resolution and has taken various courses in trauma intervention.

In addition to her work at La Traversée, Marie-Christine is a lecturer at the Université de Montréal.

“Peace lies within each of us.” Dalai Lama

Ani Boneva, D.Ps.


Ani earned her master’s degree in psychodynamic psychology in Europe and has worked as a clinical psychologist with adult clients since 2001. Her practice includes positions at the Douglas Hospital borderline clinic, the Université de Montréal’s psychological consultation service, and private practice before joining La Traversée in 2006.

She completed her doctoral degree in clinical psychology at the Université de Sherbrooke in 2020. Her thesis explored the intergenerational transmission of trauma through the lens of attachment theory and mentalization capacity. She believes that a good capacity for mentalization enables people to absorb the trauma they have suffered and to recover more quickly. She has also completed five years of training in structural personality diagnosis using projective methods.

In her practice, Ani Boneva has developed expertise in the assessment and psychotherapy of clients who have suffered a variety of traumas (complex trauma, sexual assault, relational violence, organized violence, or others). She is particularly interested in the impact that these various traumas have had on the developing psyche of her clients (who are often young at the time of the trauma) and how they have affected their subsequent psychological and relational functioning. Her human and relational approach defines her practice.
“Suffering can only be cured if it is fully experienced.” Marcel Proust

Marie-Ève Brabant, Ph.D.


Marie-Ève has been a member of the Ordre des psychologues du Québec since 2009. She holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology from McGill University and a doctorate in psychology (research and intervention) from the Université du Québec à Montréal. As part of her doctoral studies, she focused on teenage girls who had been sexually abused. Her academic background and clinical experience at the Montreal Children’s Hospital and CHU Sainte-Justine have honed her expertise in assessing and intervening with children, adolescents, and their families using a cognitive-behavioural approach. Committed to providing evidence-based interventions, Marie-Ève regularly participates in several training courses, including one on trauma. She joined La Traversée in 2021, focusing her practice on young clients. She offers individual counselling and leads psychotherapy groups for children and teenagers. She aims to develop a warm therapeutic relationship with children/adolescents and their parents while respecting their specific needs.

“You can only see clearly with your heart. What is essential is invisible to the eye”. —Saint-Exupéry

Flaurence Jodoin

Psychosocial Counsellor

Flaurence has a bachelor’s degree in psychology and is currently completing a master’s degree in business administration at the Université du Québec à Montréal. With a passion for engagement and intervention, Flaurence has dedicated much of her career to working with children and adolescents. She began her career in youth protection, working with teenagers and their parents. Since joining the clinical team at La Traversée, Flaurence has continued her clinical training, working with clients of all ages.
“A day without laughter is a day lost.” Charlie Chaplin

Koumi Doucette-Jean

Psychotherapist—Social Worker

Koumi, a social worker and psychotherapist, primarily employs existential-humanist and psychodynamic approaches, with a particular focus on trauma and relationship difficulties. She collaborates openly and as an equal with her clients, demonstrating a sincere commitment to their recovery.
“You can’t see light without shadow, you can’t perceive silence without noise, you can’t reach wisdom without madness.” – Carl Gustav Jung

Sarah-Anne Garceau Aparicio, M.A.

Psychotherapist—Clinical Sexologist

Sarah-Anne is a psychotherapist and a member of the Ordre des sexologues du Québec. Her work is guided by the conviction that everyone has a right to sexual, relational, and overall well-being, respecting their physical and psychological integrity. While she primarily employs humanistic-existential and cognitive-behavioural approaches, she also adopts an integrative approach tailored to each client’s needs. Her professional interests focus on issues of sexual violence, self-esteem, sexual health, intimacy, attachment, and relationships. She is also sensitive to the experiences of individuals from LGBTQIA+ communities.

Her view of sexuality embraces its diversity, seeing it as a realm of infinite possibilities: self-discovery, authenticity with others, exploration, and the experience of pleasure. For Sarah-Anne, establishing a strong working alliance with her clients is essential, creating a space filled with empathy, kindness, authenticity, and respect.
“We have been thrown into circumstances of life over which we have no control, and, nevertheless, in which we can grasp possibilities of life, a potential freedom that our emotional situation can offer us.” Martin Heidegger

Edith Fanny Morin, M.A.

Psychotherapist—Clinical Sexologist

Holding a master’s degree in clinical sexology, Edith is a dedicated sexologist and psychotherapist. Recognizing the central role of sexuality and human relationships in individual and collective well-being, Edith is committed to providing a supportive space for listening, guidance, and support. Since joining La Traversée in May 2023, she has dedicated herself to assisting individuals deeply affected by sexual violence every day. Working mainly with a cognitive-behavioural approach, she focuses on the relationship with oneself during her interventions, self-compassion being a pillar of inner well-being. Edith knows how important it is for professionals working with victims to collaborate and feels privileged to be involved in La Traversée’s project to integrate sexual abuse services.
“Every morning, we are born anew. What we do today is the most important thing”. Buddha

Annie Valois

Psychosocial Counsellor

Annie has a bachelor’s degree in sexology and over 20 years of experience in the community, working with women’s groups and young people. She has worked as a social worker at a Sexual Assault Help Centre and subsequently at a women’s centre. She was also a project officer for the Table de concertation des groupes de femmes de la Montérégie and a trainer in several Longueuil high schools. In 2023, she proudly joined La Traversée as a psychosocial counsellor, offering group and individual psychosocial support.
“Every success begins with the willingness to try.” John F. Kennedy

Élodie Guillaumont

Psychosocial Counsellor

Trained in sexology, Élodie chose to specialize in sexual abuse after years of working with teenagers, adults, and their families. As a psychosocial counsellor, her approach is centred around actively listening to each individual. She focuses on the strengths, needs and goals of each individual. She diligently addresses her biases and continually updates her knowledge to ensure a safe and supportive environment for everyone she assists. She’s particularly attuned to issues regarding intimacy, self-affirmation, body image, cultural diversity, sexual and gender diversity, and social stereotypes.
“Stand for something, or you’ll fall for anything. Today’s mighty oak is yesterday’s nut that stood its ground.” Rosa Parks

Lise Desjardins, M.A.

Psychotherapist – Clinical sexologist

A clinical sexologist and psychotherapist, Lise has worked in private practice for over 22 years with adult clients, both individuals and couples. She holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in clinical sexology, as well as a basic training diploma in EMDR. She also holds a clinical sexologist’s license and a psychotherapist’s license. She is a member of the Ordre professionnel des sexologues du Québec and EMDR Canada.

While her practice is highly diversified, Lise has become particularly interested in trauma treatment in recent years. She now wishes to work more specifically with victims of sexual violence, to offer them appropriate help in a consultation setting that is caring, constructive and respectful of everyone’s pace. She is also happy to be able to work for an organization that offers free services to people from different social and financial backgrounds.

In addition to her work at La Traversée, Lise pursues other professional activities. She has developed an expertise in the Sexocorporelle approach, and for over 20 years has been teaching this approach to other health professionals and offering clinical supervision. She encourages the development of a positive vision of sexuality and proposes a holistic approach to the person (cognition, emotions and sensations), considering the body as a whole.

“Resilience is what forged my personality. It’s not the degrees, it’s not the schools I went to, it’s not the titles, it’s my ability to pick myself up again and again and be a human who connects to her story.” Michelle Obama